9 Ways To Save Your Skin From Winter Chills

#1: Use Sunscreens When Outside

Snow and ice reflect UV ravs back to your skin and can actually increase by up to 30% the amounts of harmful UV rays your skin is exposed to. Participating in winter recreational activities without applying sunscreen can result in severe burns, even though the sun many not feel hot. If you plan to take a trip South to escape the cold weather, be sure to use sunscreen.

#2: Use a Deep Penetrating Moisturizer

Use a deep penetrating moisturizer to protect your face from the drying effects of winter wind and central heating.

#3: Use a Humidifier

Cold winter air and central heating pull all the moisture out of the air and out of your skin. Humidifiers for your bedroom, living room and office may help add more moisture to the air. A low-cost alternative is to place plants around the home and office or just place a pan of water on top of radiators. 

#4: Hydrate from the Inside Out

Hydrate your skin with good nutrition. Aside from getting in your recommended 8 glasses of water a day, incorporate green tea into your diet. It is a very strong antioxidant, which can help your skin. Another excellent antioxidant is vitamin C, contained in fresh orange juice or grapefruit.

#5: Use a Lip Balm

Lip balm prevents and heals chapped lips.

#6: Apply Body Lotions Within 3 Minutes of Getting Out of the Tub or Shower

This helps to enhance your skin moisturization and minimize drying. You may want to use creams rather than lotions, which might not be moisturizing enough in the cold winter months.

#7: Keep Hands Moisturized and Wear Gloves

Moisturize hands and wear cloves when outdoors. Apply hand lotion immediately after washing and drying.

#8: Take Fewer Baths or Showers

High water temperature and frequent baths strip natural oils form skin making it itchy and irritable. Limit your baths to once a day and use lukewarm water instead of hot.

#9: Use a Soft Cotton Washcloth

Use a soft cotton washcloth or your hand to cleanse your skin, not rough sponges or buff puffs.


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